Select swim option
I opted to swim today. I'll take tomorrow off for my Friday rest day. Last Thursday, after swimming I contracted some very painful stomach ailment and had to leave work early. Not to blame it on swimming but I didn't have any food so what else could it have been--ok, and I didn't drink the pool but certainly one does ingest a bit of water. In the event that I've developed some new reaction to the chemicals in the pool--aside from my constant sneezing--I thought I should swim on a non-work day just in case.
The swim was great. 3,250 meters--near Ironman performance. Loved it, still I do not know who I am in the water.
Last week I went into detail about some of the characters in the city pool. The Y also has its characters, or better yet mores as determined by the senior citizens. It seems like the seniors at the Y run the joint. They yell at people constantly. Let's say you are swimming in a lane, "their lane" reserved for anytime they feel like coming. If they show up and you are in "their lane", look for an alternative option or be prepared to get yelled at. Today, I was sharing the lane with one other person. Two separate people just jumped in and started swimming. Hello! Hey, I'm just going to keep on coming so get out of my way or get some contact and I don't care how old you are. When I explain to one of the seniors that they should ask everyone in the lane whether they want to circle swim before just jumping in he started yelling that he is an old man slow as a snail and who would care if he jumped in. Well, I kind of care because he is slow and I can't swim around two slow people but more importantly the other person may not be comfortable circle swimming. As for myself, I like the physical contact. The end result, the old guy scared the woman who was swimming in my lane away because she is uncomfortable circle swimming and there was no way he would wait his turn.
Tomorrow, a day off I think. I'm toying with riding to work but I have physical therapy after work and why undo all of that hard work. Still I don't want to pay for gas or parking. What to do, what to do.
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