Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Fragile-ness of the Ironman

Ironically, the stronger and more physically and mentally fit an athlete gets towards race day, the more fragile and delicate they become. As Liz begins the “tampering” stage of her Ironman preparation, she has become (and I as a result of being around her 24/7) increasingly aware of her surroundings. I find myself needing to “spot” her around crowds so that no one steps on her, tries to elbow past her, or makes any sudden moves that would cause her to twist a knee, an ankle or stub a toe. Geez!

She is (and thus I are) constantly assessing her health. “How’s your leg?” “Everything feeling ok?” “Have you iced tonite?”

Likewise, this perfectly healthy and extremely fit individual has experienced an increasing number of doctors, chiropractors, masseuses, ATR specialists, etc in her life in the last month. Collectively, they push, pull, knead, grind, mash, ice, heat, wrap, tape, and all together “promise” their magic and their potions will get her thru the race. And you know what? We buy-in to it all right now with the faith of being born again. Anything …ANYTHING that will get Liz thru the race is worth it at this point.

There’s simply too much invested to let a tweaked muscle, a torn ligament, or a broken kneecap get in the way. Too much time, too much sweat, too many tears, and too much heart. Yes, an Ironman may be among the most elite, physically and mentally fit athlete you may ever come across….but “FRAGILE” - don’t touch!