Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Today's Workout: Who am I to complain

Up at 4:30 AM today. I was a little pressed for time but things all seemed to work out.

Abs then on the bike for an hour. I repeated last Tuesday's workout of a long time trial working on gradually increasing cadence. I was a little low on energy but I managed to work zones 2-4 with effort. Out on my run for 40 minutes with 6 x 1 minute zone 4 efforts. It was a struggle to beat back the voice inside my head that yearned for an easy day.

Yesterday I learned that a woman I worked with over 12 years ago at the start of my legal career died of breast cancer. She is the third woman that I have known to succumb to this dastardly disease this year. Anne was 50, a devoted mother and wife who shared in my politics and took the time to mentor a young, punk attorney like myself (and mercifully lure me away from any desire to work at a law firm). As I suffered today on the bike and run I thought of Anne and what she would have given to be able to be on a bike or out running even though she was not an exercise nut like myself. She did live life well, especially after her first hard fought battle with the disease some years ago. Anne will serve as my motivation as this season comes to a close. When I feel like complaining I will just tell my mind to shutup and think of Anne.

Tomorrow, a swim at yet another new pool.