Thursday, July 12, 2007

Today's Workout: Protection Mode

Up at 4:30 AM today. I thought this would be my last early rise before the race but I'm planning to swim with the Masters team on Tuesday so no need to adjust the alarm yet.

Abs then off to the pool. Among other reasons, I love swimming with the masters because when they are doing kicking drills the water gets really choppy. It more accurately reflects an open water swim. The other day when I was in the middle of a 1,000 meter free set they were doing group kicking drills that varied in speed. I'm pretty sure I saw white caps. This allowed me to practice raising my head a little higher to breathe. Today they were mixing it up pretty well too. Loved it.

I stuck to my Coach's anaerobic workout today....which I dread. I don't ever see any gain from sucking air big time at the wall after completing each set. However, believe in the plan I must. The plan called for 2,000 meters of mostly speed work today. I added an additional 500 meters for grins and giggles.

Tomorrow, my second day off of the week. I think I will take Della for a nice morning walk. I'm hoping tomorrow will be as glorious as this morning, 69 and no humidity. Wahoo!!!