Saturday, June 30, 2007

Today's Workout: Please pass the salt

Critical, critical error today. First, it was supposed to be my long bike with a brick run day but my riding partners could not ride today. Rather than ride alone, I switched my Saturday and Sunday workout which meant long run and swim today.

Up at 7 AM, how sweet it is. The schedule called for a 2.5 hour run so out the door I went with my drink in hand and three packets of gel. Immediately when I went outside I was hit by a wall of humidity. That was unexpected. Nonetheless, off I went. An hour into the run I discovered that I forgot my salt tablets. I figured I was still okay given that my gels and drink had plenty of sodium and potassium. Wrong.

I'm not a heavy sweater, in fact I really did not start sweating until last year when I had some change in my metabolism. I was soaked today and I had a stream of sweat running off my shirt. I never made it beyond 2 hours and 9 minutes. I had plenty of leg but I was so nauseous I had to walk home.

I still had my swim ahead of me so I laid down for a while to get in control of my stomach. I replaced my fluids, consumed some carbs and headed to the pool. My swim workout was only 45 minutes thankfully and except for toe cramps it was uneventful.

With my big ride tomorrow, I am focused on getting electrolytes back in my body. If I am not hydrated well for tomorrow I will have no leg for all of those hills.