Today's Workout
Due to the nor'easter (after Easter I might add) hitting the area this weekend I had to adjust my plans today. My coach had given me the following trifecta plan: 60 minute swim, 180 minute ride, followed by a 30 minute run. Sunday's workout calls for a 100 minute run, however, we are supposed to get 3 inches of rain which would be miserable to run in. Even more miserable would be having to do this on a treadmill. So I opted to change my 30 minute run today into a 100 minute run.
The swim, a long endurance day. 3 x 800 meters (that is 1.5 miles). The pool opened late today which is frustrating so I missed some drill work and the warm up and warm down due to time constraints.
Off to the bike which I did not want to do inside today. I was grateful that the weather held out but totally willing to ride in the rain if it did not. It sprinkled some and was cold but otherwise it was perfect riding weather. I could not find anyone to ride with, also frustrating, so I went out on my own on a fairly flat trail that I ride. I focused on keeping my cadence above 70. Even though I need and would have preferred to be on some hills it was a quality ride of 40 plus miles--my computer was acting up so I don't have precise data.
Then I came home and put on my running shoes and headed out the door. Every time I looked at my watch it said 8 minutes, 12 minutes, 17 get the point. It seemed eternal. Then exhaustion took over and blisters on my foot became excruciating. I ended up cutting the run short by 9 minutes which is hugely disappointing. It was what I would call a junk run. Nothing above zone 2 and running just to run.
Not sure what I will do tomorrow. I should be doing the 30 minute run tomorrow if I can move and I may throw in an extra swim just to stretch everything out.
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