Spring's Obstacles
Let's hope spring returns. It is not in the extended forecast and I worry it may never be here. How on earth do I prepare for the hills of the Adirondacks from my sun porch? The effort is definitely there. I know it is hard for people to imagine training intensively for hours on a bike without moving at all but trust me it is of a higher quality than the time I spend outdoors. I'll also be prepared for a cat running between my tire and pedals (Buddy seems to think he is faster then he really is). You never know when the ability to go from a cadence of 100 to 0 will come in handy during a race--substitute cat for a dropped bike bottle from the rider ahead of me, been there, done that. As for dealing with the wind, working on balance, and getting intimately familiar with my gears I can only hope the snow stops falling and the temperature starts rising. This spring's obstacle course is just dreary.
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