Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A self-proclaimed snob

Up at 4:50 AM today. After the usual course of abs and pushups, off to the city pool for a swim.

I'm going to admit that I have become a snob despite the fact that I am not a great swimmer. The city pool hosts a huge Masters class, the likes of which I am not talented enough to join. These people move fast and very gracefully through the water. As for the other lanes, there are some side-strokers--recall a few weeks ago when I shared the lane with one who kept kicking me in the stomach--and some tarzan swimmers (those who swim with their head above water). Actually, my coach wants me to do some tarzan drills but I am always concerned that people will think that is how I swim. Plus, it is exhausting. Much easier to get that head in the water and bring those hips up.

I am a snob because I do not want to circle swim with tarzan or the side-stroker. They are too slow and interfere with the efficient completion of my workout. Imagine if that snobbery were reciprocated, where would I be in the pool--on the sidelines.

Tomorrow, a brick workout and hopefully a ride to work on my bike.