Thursday, March 27, 2008

The low zone

Up at 4:40 AM today but really unmotivated. Abs and pushups. I tossed around the idea of a run given that the temperature was perfect but instead I kept it just to the bike. A 70-minute spinerval. This resulted in a great deal of sweat but not a lot of high heart rate work. Disappointing to say the least.

Tonight, swimming with the Masters in Manassass. The pool has been closed to us for two weeks so it is always hard to get back to the late Thursday night routine. The last time we had class, I was swimming with a junior in high school. Yes, I felt old. I commented to someone that it was okay if someone half as young as us beat us in the water....she gave me a strange look. It was then that I realized she was well more than half of our age.