Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hold the ice and bodily fluids

Up at 4:40 AM today. Abs and pushups then off to the pool.

The pool was unusually cold today. Not quite Thursday night Masters cold but Chinquapin cold. To make matters less inviting, there were signs everywhere that the pool was prematurely closed last evening due to a "bodily fluids" accident. In the past, these same signs have sometimes been more specific--for example, they have included the descriptive "vomitus". Maybe it's just me, but why not just say the pool is closed for cleaning and leave it at that. I really do not need the details.

I had a tremendous swim today. Not fun, but exhausting. High heart rate was the order of the day. I opted not to do any flip turns today. It was bad enough that my mind was overthinking the water entering my nose and mouth, I did not want it in my brain which is where water seems to go on flip turns. Keep it simple, try to keep the orafices closed. "Bodily fluids" super chlorinated.

Tomorrow, I think I will get on the trainer in the morning--not sure about a brick. Back in the pool in the evening for a swim with the Masters.