Thursday, May 24, 2007

today's Workout: Be the fish

Up at 4:30 AM and after my morning abs and protein shake off to the pool.

I swam with the Masters today. I usually ease into my swim with a measured warm up but I was paired with some fast swimmers today so I hit zone 3 early.....and still they lapped me. A nice long workout today totaling 3400 meters. It felt pretty good, the things you hate to do are always better in good company.

Tomorrow, I have an hour bike ride. I'll use that to make sure everything is in order for my longer ride Saturday. I had some mechanical issues with my bike as I ended my bike leg on Sunday but I'm hoping they are related to my current non-hill gearing. My hope is all will be in order once I switch out my rear tire for my hill gears. I'm hoping for company on my long ride Saturday. I have feelers out but nothing yet. Imagine, folks having something to do on a long weekend that is unrelated to training.