Saturday, June 13, 2009

I don't know who I am

I'm going to say this and I know this does not sound like me at all. I enjoyed my lake swim today and my 18 mile run.

The swim was very relaxing and I had a good glide going with excellent body position. Yes, I'm still slow but I'm efficiently slow and that makes the rest of the Ironman race a bit easier.

As for my run, I approached it a little differently then last week--the miserable 15 I'll call it. I knew it would be a long day and I just went out and got lost and found a nice 8.3 mile loop. Oh yes, and I remembered the salt tablets. When I returned I thought I saw beads of sweat on my compression socks but instead it was just salt caked on to my legs. Good thing I had the salt tablets, it really didn't seem that hot to me but my salt cakes attested otherwise.

Tomorrow, ugh, Skyline Drive and 84 miles of hills. Mostly slow going while I climb to the highest point, Skyland, but the end features 5 miles of downhill...not that that is enjoyable to me at all.